Diamond Lake RV Park
Once again I found that Crater Lake was like most National Parks; securing a campsite without a six month advance reservation was practically impossible. Luckily there was a Forest Service concessionaire at Diamond Lake just north of the National Park entrance, and they operated until the end of September. I made base camp here and took day trips South to Crater and North into the National Forest.
One advantage of Diamond Lake was it’s circled by a good bike trail, giving me my first real opportunity to try out my new folding bicycle.

It uses quick-releases to collapse without tools, and takes upĀ half the space of a full size mountain bike when folded. The bike passed its maiden voyage with flying colors, as it rapidly became apparent the limitations would come from the rider, not the machine. You may never forget how to ride a bike, but you do forget how much of a workout your legs get on the hills! Continue reading “Crater Lake National Park, Umpqua National Forest”